To complement the World Observatory on Subnational Government Finance and Investment (SNG-WOFI) fiscal database, 135 country and territory profiles have been developed for the third edition of the SNG-WOFI. These country and territory profiles provide fine-grained analysis and qualitative takeaways on fiscal decentralisation. They can be accessed from the drop-down menu on the left. They are grouped in seven world regions: Africa, Asia-Pacific, Euro-Asia, Europe, Latin American and the Caribbean, Middle East and West Asia, and North America.

Data and figures are displayed where data are available. All country and territory profiles are available in English. Translations in French and Spanish are planned in the coming months. In most cases, information was last updated in June 2022 (see each country and territory sheet for specific cases). A list of sources and references is also available at the end of each page.

Each country and territory profile can be printed and downloaded in PDF format.

The OECD was responsible for collecting data and preparing country and territory profiles for 75 countries, and UCLG for 60 countries. The lead responsibility (OECD, UCLG) is indicated at the end of each country and territory profile. Each partner is responsible for the data and information provided for their respective countries. The OECD has however conducted a preliminary quality control of the quantitative and qualitative information prior to the finalisation of each country and territory profile.

The OECD and UCLG have been supported by external experts for the preparation of the country and territory profiles.

The country and territory profiles displayed on this page follow a harmonised template, which consist of six main parts:

  • 1. Basic socio-economic indicators

  • 2. Main features of the multi-level governance framework

  • 3. Territorial organisation

  • 4. Subnational government responsibilities

  • 5. Subnational government finance:

    • Subnational government expenditure

    • Subnational government revenue

    • Subnational government fiscal rules and debt

  • 6. The impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the organisation and finance of local and regional authorities